Ho Ho Cherry House i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHo Ho Cherry House



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2001, East 7th Street, 28204, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-376-0880
internet side: www.hohocherryhousenc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2122671, Longitude: -80.8170711

kommentar 5

  • Marlon Benitez

    Marlon Benitez


    Love this place so much!! Customer service feels so welcoming. Food is amazing! Never disappoint!! Only Chinese restaurant I can eat at. Best Chinese Restaurant in Charlotte for sure! The Customer Service is another big reason to come. Everything is clean. I have nothing but GREAT things to say for this place! (:

  • Arman McQueen

    Arman McQueen


    I ordered from here for the first time. There was a long, brown hair in my egg roll. Nasty !!

  • Sun Ray Vibes

    Sun Ray Vibes


    Me and my coworkers and family have been coming here for years. It is one of the best Chinese places in Charlotte. Keep up the good work! Not sure why there’s other negative reviews but I haven’t had a bad experience in all the years I’ve been coming here.

  • Heather Curatolo

    Heather Curatolo


    I’ve eaten a lot of Chinese food in my life. I used to live a half a mile from Chinatown in New York City so I didn’t really have high expectations but this might’ve been one of the worst Chinese takeouts I’ve ever had. I actually didn’t even eat everything. I gave it to my boyfriend. The fried rice was the only thing I could salvage with some soy sauce. I had the HoHo shrimp and I had the cold sesame noodles. Both had absolutely no taste and flavor. The shrimp might’ve been fried at one point and they were gummy. Even the vegetables were bad. How could that even be? It’s sad because I was hoping for a good local place.

  • Veronica MeMe Johnson

    Veronica MeMe Johnson


    The food was so delicious. The portions are huge. It didn't take long for us to get our food once we ordered it. The waitress was very kind and attentive. We will definitely be going back soon.

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