Hirshleifers en Manhasset

Estados UnidosHirshleifers



🕗 horarios

2080, Northern Boulevard, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-627-3566
sitio web: www.hirshleifers.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7961459, Longitude: -73.6714837

comentarios 5

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    John Smith


    Raffles for sneaker releases, you give your name & telephone number. Then Hirshleifers sells your information to telemarketers, straight up dirtbags.

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    Chris R.


    No thanks. Many other great retailers to choose from who all sell the same things.

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    Darlene Lukaszewicz


    Agree with the negative reviews. Purchased from Chanel. If Chanel was sold anyplace else I would go there. The ees literally stare at you. Sizing you up. Plus there are so many very young people buying $5000 items with mommy s credit cards. The salespeople will help them before anyone else. Really disgusting.

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    erick manzanilla


    Based on all of the reviews I will not be going to this location.. I Work in a very High pressure sales environment and I know what it takes for good business practices. If this company feels as though they need to treat people based on there appearance they do not deserve my business!!

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    Lisa Blaustein


    This store sells beautiful clothing, however if you are not dressed to the nines don't bother going. I went with a friend to purchase a designer bag. She was dressed beautifully and I was wearing workout clothes. She was carrying around two or three bags throughout the store (which is very large) in order to compare and was left alone. I had one bag in my hand and was treated extremely rudely, as if I was trying to steal the bag. I called my friend on her cell and told her that the salespeople were horrible and I wouldn't ever spend a dollar in that store. The salespeople had the nerve to comment to me about my rude behavior!! Go to NYC if you are going to drop a bundle!

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