hip-kid en Chappaqua

Estados Unidoship-kid



🕗 horarios

77, South Greeley Avenue, 10514, Chappaqua, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-861-2710
sitio web: www.hip-kid.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.157853, Longitude: -73.772655

comentarios 5

  • en

    Phyllis Sattler


    I love this shop and I've purchased unique puzzles and books here for my granddaughters. Trish has created a wonderful and warm space for parents and their kids to stop in for a class or to pick up a fun item. There aren't many shops in the area like hers so I hope she becomes a mainstay for many years.

  • en

    Sheryl Weisser


    Funky, "hip" children's store with a great vibe! Toys, books, jewelry, clothes for kids, teens and moms and more! Best place to find a unique gift! Lemonade stand every Saturday 11-2pm (until September 30). All profits go to a different charity each week! 💕 Trish, Lori and other workers all are so nice and helpful! You must stop by. Even to just check out the store and say hi!!

  • Rob Kissner

    Rob Kissner


    This is a fantastic place. The owners are wonderful people and really define what makes shopping at a brick and mortar store so unique. Their items are awesome and store itself is funky and creatively laid out. Hip-Kid is most definitely worth a visit!

  • Jane Greene

    Jane Greene


    Just what a small town boutique should be! I buy all my baby/kid gifts here, with lots of help from owners/managers Trish and Lori, and each gift has been spot-on. The inventory offers a wide array of clothing styles, toys and books from off-the-beaten-path suppliers. In addition, hip-kid offers outreach support to outside communities and vendors, you can't go wrong shopping there ;)

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    Laura Tainsky


    Hip Kid has a beautiful selection of clothing and gifts, it is really worth checking out. The owner is lovely and has such a good eye. They have a great space in the back-we planned my daughter's birthday party there, and were so happy.

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