Hilton Seattle i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHilton Seattle



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1301, 6th Avenue, 98101, Seattle, King County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 206-624-0500
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 47.6091975, Longitude: -122.3330909

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben Fender


    Friendly staff, decent rooms. Pretty small and nothing special, but you are paying for the location here. So close to everything you need to see in Seattle.

  • Trager Joswig-Jones

    Trager Joswig-Jones


    I stayed on 23rd floor and the room had a great view of downtown Seattle. The rooms weren't the fanciest, but they were clean and nice enough. The staff at the bar were very friendly and the food made for a great late night snack. The hotel is located in the middle of downtown, within two blocks of the lite rail station and a quick walk to Pike's place.

  • Rob Bevilacqua

    Rob Bevilacqua


    The hotel is definitely a more dated hotel, but they've kept up with it and have taken care of it nicely. It still has a more modern feel, but still some signs of being built in another time. The windows are able to be opened, which is awesome and something you rarely see. The bed and pillows were top notch, very comfy and they made it hard to leave. When we got there, the bathtub was clogged, but staff quickly remedied that issue. That wasn't after somehow managing to get about one inch of standing water on the floor. The shower pressure is off the charts, almost too strong for my liking, and I think it blasted right past the shower curtain. The executive breakfast was nice, although navigating between the tables and breakfast line was difficult. Overall, it was a pleasant staff and a nice hotel.

  • Phase Burn

    Phase Burn


    Nice rooms, good views, really nice location in downtown. Could use some upgrades, though - the door lock still uses the swipe cards for entry making them incompatible with the Hilton NFC door key app, the air conditioning units are louder than in other Hilton hotels, the TVs are older and lack features and connectivity compared to other Hiltons. Nothing wrong with quaint, just don't expect all your Hilton amenities you're used to in other Hilton hotels working 100% here.

  • J Snider

    J Snider


    Location is great and rooms are fairly large. The rooms were also quiet, which is always nice when staying in a downtown hotel. Staff though I felt was below average for a Hilton property. The rooms were also a bit dated compared to other properties I have stayed at recently, though not the bed or lights but power outlets, heater, window covers, etc. I was the only person checking in and it took a really long time. The person acted more annoyed than anything. Very different experience from the Hilton fashion district I stayed at last week.

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