Hilton Phoenix / Mesa i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHilton Phoenix / Mesa



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1011, West Holmes Avenue, 85210, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-833-5555
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 33.3873709, Longitude: -111.8537283

kommentar 5

  • Farhan Alam

    Farhan Alam


    Very nice decor. Beautiful ballrooms. Nive scenery surrounding the area. Would host an event here. Only negative was the bland food.

  • en

    Damiyr Leonard


    This Hilton was GORGEOUS. I travel quite a bit for work and not only was this Hilton surprisingly affordable, but I paid more for hotels that weren't as nice in other parts of Arizona. This place has a gorgeous lobby, and a bar with some local brews should that be the direction you want to go. There are also plenty of restaurants nearby and the rooms were beautiful and modern. Next time I'm in Phoenix, I definitely plan on staying here again.

  • Wendy Goldhaber

    Wendy Goldhaber


    I went to this hotel when I was looking for a good place to stay for few days. My brother recommended me this hotel so I decided to come here. The place was very beautiful and the infrastructure was great. The whole staff was very amazing and they were very friendly with me.

  • Salleen Ranjan

    Salleen Ranjan


    Good business hotel. Clean property. Good breakfast. Good room service, staff is good, polite and fast. Not many options in room service menu. Was there for a couple of nights, on business trip. Not too many good restaurants near by.

  • en

    Amy H


    Nice hotel. Large rooms. Clean. The road noise was horrible. Stay on the opposite side if the highway. Bed and pillows were comfortable. Strange not having a T V in the bedroom. Only T V was in the living room area. Starbucks coffee shop was nice.

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