Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC/U.S. Capitol w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneHilton Garden Inn Washington DC/U.S. Capitol



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
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1225, First Street Northeast, 20002, Washington, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 202-408-4870
strona internetowej: hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9062586, Longitude: -77.0056282

komentarze 5

  • Adam Feisthamel

    Adam Feisthamel


    Hotel was clean, and comfortable and some of the employees were very disciplined in giving good customer service. Some were. However when it comes to parking, this place is horrendous! There is no where that they have assigned for parking...so your on your own finding it in downtown Washington DC! We were lucky enough to find a parking garage available around the corner that allowed us to keep our car there overnight. The only option this hotel had for parking was a valet service that charged $45 for over night parking!! $45 for parking!! Wow! And that’s on top of the prime price you paid for the hotel! The horrible parking problem as soon as we got there, plus it’s lack of anything really special or extraordinary, I could not see the value in the excessive price of this place. I was expecting it to be like all the other garden inns I stayed at prior but the beds were not even the same, and the rooms were different. Also the area is very poor and people are quite miserable which can really bring down the mood. I usually stay outside of Washington when visiting, now I know why. Washington is hectic and very impoverished with the homeless sleeping in tents on the streets. This garden inn is crammed into a little tiny area on a busy street, yes its close to the Capitol building but wow, I’m definitely staying in Virginia if there is a next time I come to Washington. I’ll just drive the 20 minutes and pay meter parking.

  • Denise Wong

    Denise Wong


    Great location hotel right in NoMa, easily accessible with the Red line station right around the corner. The neighborhood is safe and lots of convenient places to eat including food trucks and grocery nearby. The rooms are clean and have a microwave and refrigerator in the room.

  • Rebecca Shampnois

    Rebecca Shampnois


    I had a great experience staying at the Hilton Garden Inn. I was just visiting overnight, but the staff treated me like I was a lifelong visitor. The room was clean and spacious, while still not being too extravagant for my needs. The only downsides are that it’s valet-parking-only with a steep charge, as well as the breakfast option being another steep charge. I did use the valet, and I will say they do a great job with it, but I would have preferred to park in a lot myself. (When you’re in downtown DC I guess you have to get what you can, right?!)

  • Cassie Hoogendoorn

    Cassie Hoogendoorn


    The hotel is quite nice. Comfortable, inviting lobby. Nice, helpful staff. Not pushy. Rooms are comfortable and large but a little dated. Best pillow in the world! Seriously. Parking is by valet only and over $40/daily. It's DC and there's beggars practically right outside the Hilton's doors. Unsavory.

  • Marie Troyer

    Marie Troyer


    Our room was clean and a fair size. The bed was comfortable. Our standard room had a microwave and mini fridge. The washer and dryer worked great and cost $1.50 each. All the hotel staff and maids we encountered were helpful and friendly. The pool and hot tub were clean and well maintained but small. We loved being able to walk to the grocery store next door and the several great places to eat. We left our car parked for the entire trip and walked and rode the metro. My only complaint would be the $42/day valet parking fee. We parked in a parking garage 2 blocks away and paid $15/day.

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