Hilton Garden Inn Charlotte-Uptown w Charlotte

Stany ZjednoczoneHilton Garden Inn Charlotte-Uptown


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

508, East Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 704-347-5972
strona internetowej: www.hilton.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2206674, Longitude: -80.8429357

komentarze 5

  • Ashley Murray

    Ashley Murray


    The hotel was clean and the staff were nice. However, the bed was very uncomfortable and there was a huge dip in the middle that cause my boyfriend and I to slide together throughout the night which made us wake up several times. In the middle of the night we heard running and noise in the hallways. When we went down for breakfast we were not aware that breakfast was not included. I would not have minded paying $30+ for breakfast if it had been higher quality than what is provided at lesser hotels for free. The attendant however was very nice and accommodating. He tried to provide us with a discount on breakfast but I had to use my points I earned for the stay as a Hilton Gold member.

  • scalwayzhere4u



    In general, we had a great stay and enjoyable time. The bed was a little hard and uncomfortable. We decided to eat breakfast at the hotel. The food was hot, fresh, and delicious. Our server was the best. She was so kind and helpful. Overall I give it a great experience!

  • Sheri Boykins

    Sheri Boykins


    The service and cleanliness of the hotel was as expected for this chain. I was pleased with the staff, food options, amenities and overall location. The construction notice we received upon entering our room was not expected, yet we did not notice any noise or inconvenience with the work being done. I will say the bathrooms are dated, but have been kept up in appearance very well. No issues with running water, toilet flush & running water were very loud through the closed door. Just a noticeable difference in the look of the room vs the bathroom - all was very clean none the less! The location was in a great spot for deliveries, walking distance to local food and corner shops. The view from our window was excellent and parking in the garage was a breeze! We were in town the same day as an at home NBA game (Friday) and an NFL home game (Sunday). The hotel is setup well for guest vs those trying to find temporary parking.

  • Molly H.

    Molly H.


    This hotel is not what I expect of the Hilton brand. The hotel is very dated and old, though it is getting a renovation in 2023. Hopefully that will fix the issues I experienced. Be aware, the parking deck is shared between the Hampton Inn and the Hilton Garden Inn, directly between the two buildings. There are very few, small signs to indicate that when driving around the building and the signs inside the garage are difficult to decipher. It is very tight and narrow inside, so be careful when driving and maneuvering around. Overall, I will not be staying at this hotel again and until I see how the renovations are done, I would not recommend this hotel to anyone else.

  • Kandis Carter

    Kandis Carter


    Love this hotel for its jacuzzi suites. Been coming here for years and its superb!! Clean room, professional and courteous staff, and EXTREMELY comfortable bed!😌 Unfortunately they are removing the jacuzzi tubs and replacing with Pelaton bikes🙄 Suggesting that someone would rather jump on a work out bike after a day long conference or long night out instead of relaxing in a full size jetted tub?!?🤦🏾‍♀ Worst Move Ever. Have to find another hotel with those accommodations instead of this one. Thanks for the wonderful memories Hilton Uptown Charlotte❤

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