Highridge Fishery w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneHighridge Fishery



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1791, Central Park Ave, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-337-3775
strona internetowej: www.highridgefishery.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9613621, Longitude: -73.8420955

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nina Erika Garcia


    I don’t know yet if I’ll give it a 5 star or what so because when I pay for the lobster they forgot to give back my card. I already left home when I realized I don’t have it with me. I was able to get it but I need to check if nothing gets wrong with my card after a while before I put 5 star and give them my trust. The guy said he forgot the card until I left, forgiven, but let’s see. Thanks

  • Michele M

    Michele M


    Friendly staff. Fresh fish and prepared seafood dishes that you can heat up at home. Fried clams, shrimp, and zucchini. Delicious seafood salad and home-made cocktail sauce with just the right kick. If you need fish for the holidays they require you to place an order ahead of time. Highridge also has nicely priced lunch specials up until 3:30 and they are closed on Sunday.

  • en

    Jay Daniels


    Great fresh fish however the fried fish is not what is labeled the fried flounder & whiting is Tailapia I have questioned them three times they said it was waiting or flounder but whitening is a different shape

  • Johnie Sandy

    Johnie Sandy


    Highridge Fishery Seafood Inc is the place to be for your happy hour between 4 and 6 . Aaron the bartender makes an awesome Grey Goose dirty martini, we enjoy coming here for happy hour because we like to support the local business. Just like a cheers everybody knows your name we love it here.

  • Tc1



    This place is great! First time and I got the fried shrimp and fries. This place is the real deal, the shrimp were butterfly breaded jumbo shrimp! Delicious! The place looks clean with a great atmosphere! Great portions to! 5 stars

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