Hielly Martinez - State Farm Insurance Agent en New York

Estados UnidosHielly Martinez - State Farm Insurance Agent



🕗 horarios

3052, Third Avenue, 10451, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 347-271-4444
sitio web: www.mybronxagent.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8204831, Longitude: -73.9126291

comentarios 5

  • Rawlin Rosario

    Rawlin Rosario


    Overall, great quality customer service and very short wait time. For me, Ashley was instrumental in bringing me to the State Farm family. I recently bought a new car and was looking for the best insurance deal. Ashley was able to connect me with an agent at the office that helped me find something feasible. She was knowledgeable, friendly, and most of all solution-oriented. It's people like her that make you appreciate excellent service.

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    Lyam Lugo


    GREAT experience! First time owning a car and i was not fully aware of the procedures of getting insurance. But the staff was incredibly helpful and understanding and even helped me compare policies with other companies. They also helped me include my parents in my insurance and saved us a whole lot of money! THANK YOUUUUU!!

  • Emily Maldonado

    Emily Maldonado


    Thank goodness for State Farm! I recently experienced a fire nearby my apartment and I always told myself to get renter's insurance. Well the day after the fire, I immediately contacted this office to get a quote. I was anxious and scared thinking the process was going to take days/weeks to complete. Well I was wrong. I connected with Helen Mota and I was absolutely amaze how fast and efficient she was with creating a quote for me. She explained the quote in detail and didn't pressure me to get more than what I needed ( although I ended up doing that anyway). Great service, extremely friendly, attentive. Ask for Helen! She is amazing and thorough. Like a good neighbor, Helen is there!

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    taj newman


    I didn’t know the first thing about insurance. Didn’t know how it worked, how much it would be, if I really needed it or anything. I had so many questions it was a bit over whelming. Ms Ashely Rosario took absolute great care of me. She was calm and collected, had a great attitude and made me feel welcomed! It was excellent customer service! I left there with all my questions answered and a clear focus of what I had to do! Will definitely recommend her!

  • Enrique Archbold

    Enrique Archbold


    WOW what can I not say about the service I was provided by state farm. After speaking with Ms. Yessica Gomez I was enriched with all the valuable knowledge I would need to pick the best insurance for me and my family. I could really tell by her excellent customer service skills, that the caliber of professionalism is second to none at the branch. I would highly recommend anyone here just due to my wonderful experience. If you want to talk with experienced, intelligent and helpful individuals come here!!!!!!!! You won't regret it. I sure don't.

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