Hi Dental PLLC w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneHi Dental PLLC



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154, South Front Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-586-8877
strona internetowej: www.hi-dental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.735247, Longitude: -73.4433065

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Coyne


    Very kind and friendly service. Everything was clearly explained. I had a really bad cavity, the dentist here was very careful and methodical. Explained the process for each step and the contingencies for if it was found that the cavity was larger than expected. Worked to remedy the cavity while keeping my discomfort in mind and trying her utmost to ensure that only procedures necessary were undertaken. I know many other dentists would have just told me I required a root canal. Instead this dentist took the time to determine whether it would be necessary. While still providing the explanation and steps if it was deemed needed. In the end I only needed a filling. (A large one mind you, but far less severe than a root canal)

  • en

    Helen Sigcha


    Love, love this place. I'm so afraid of dentists but I felt so comfortable with the dentist here. Dentist is so professional and once she knows that you're afraid of needles she tries her best to put you at ease. Will be coming back to this place since I need more work done in my mouth. You will not be disappointed with this dentist.

  • JamaicanDiva



    The attention to detail and patient care is evident from the moment you walk in the door. The staff is extremely professional. I felt extremely comfortable, especially since I do not like going to the Dentist. I am grateful that I took a wrong turn and when I saw this place I decided to go in and make an appointment. The asthetics and technology is top notch .... The Dentist was gentle and had a great personality but more importantly included me in the co-management of my dental care. Very Impressed and Highly Recommended.

  • Shannon Sha

    Shannon Sha


    Wow. I have been to so many dentists, periodontists, endodontists in the past year, it's a whirlwind. It's frustrating to hear all of their varying opinions. With this dentist, I felt instantly at ease. She informed me of everything she saw on the x-ray, everything she sees about my teeth (I'm a grinder), she explained what she was doing as she was doing it... They had already called my insurance to find out if xyz was covered and by how much of a percentage. They went out of their way to make me comfortable and treat me with utmost respect. She read my chart and discussed my past (bad) experience with epinephrine. I am cancelling all of my appointments with these other doctors and only going to continue to see Dr. Im. She's the best dentist I've ever had. Also, the office smells beautiful and the waiting room feels like a spa.

  • Eusebio Villanueva

    Eusebio Villanueva


    Great first impression overall. I kinda like the way the dentist does her job and her assistant, I felt zero to almost none discomfort--- great team work. The lady that works at the desk is very accomodating. The office is brand new, very nice and roomy.

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