Herrmann Law w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneHerrmann Law



🕗 godziny otwarcia

801, Cherry Street, 76102, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-479-9229
strona internetowej: www.paycheckcollector.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7506147, Longitude: -97.3345249

komentarze 5

  • en

    Winford Tennell


    It was a pleasure working with Mr. Herrmann. I will recommend him to anybody that is in the same situation that I was. Thank you for helping me.

  • Denise Finney

    Denise Finney


    Drew and his team were very thorough and diligent when handling my case. Every step of the way Drew ensured I was fully informed and laid all my options out. I have worked with attorneys in the past that were not in it for my best interest. Having worked with Drew and his team I would 100% do it all over again. Thank you for all you did for me!

  • Courtney Silmon

    Courtney Silmon


    I looked up Mr Drew Hermann’s office for assistance with my issue. They seem so sincere and pleasant. Then after the check clears... I understand this office is not willing to represent me but they took my money. Ms. Patricia Brown was nice and pleasant. That really doesn’t change the fact that they take your little chump change and say they will help. I had an appointment with Mr. Hermann but he didn’t respect me enough to let me know he would not be making it. I recommended them to several people who have the same issue and the same place. We now are represented by an attorney who is doing what they say and actually making there appointments and actually helping. I hope Drew Hermanns and Carly Amyx lack of willingness had nothing to do with the picture attached. That would be terrible for the people that are put in place to help to be in the side of those who tear and ruin others lives anyway they can... just because of how they look. Thanks for nothing Mr. Herman.

  • Nate Henry Luedtke

    Nate Henry Luedtke


    Working with Mr. Drew Herrmann was an excellent experience. Unfortunately, I went through 2 other attorneys before I got to him. I would've saved a lot of time/stress/money if I would have gone straight to him the first time. Drew was very approachable and walked me through all my questions (even explained the same answers a few times). He was patient and, most importantly, very willing to explain my options and help me weigh out the best path for me. I felt like he had a genuine interest in my success. If I ever called his office and missed Drew, Patricia was also very pleasant to speak with and always made me feel like she cared about me and my situation. After working with Drew I felt expertly prepared to handle my issue. Thank you very much, Drew.

  • en

    Erick Martinez


    Mr Herrmann is extremely fast in handling our business matters. Responds quickly to our needs at all times. It's a pleasure to work with him. He protects are interests as it was his. We use his firm for employment law, contracts, & family matters.

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