Hermann Park w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneHermann Park



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6001, Fannin Street, 77030, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 832-395-7100
strona internetowej: www.houstontx.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7183503, Longitude: -95.3908764

komentarze 5

  • Asher Warriach

    Asher Warriach


    I came here for a getaway meeting with my friends. We thoroughly enjoyed the park, it really brought us together as a group! Nice scenery, open fields to play ball, and good walkways to exercise and enjoy nature. Its also right next to the Houston Zoo and other beautiful gardens. Hands down one of the best parks in H-Town!

  • Tashmit Singh

    Tashmit Singh


    This is one of the best places in Houston. Really peaceful and everything is well maintained. Must visit the Japanese Gardens and if you want a tour of the park you could ride in a train which runs through the park. Can go to this place for biking as well. McGovern Centennial Gardens is also very close by and should make a point to visit that as well. And if you get a chance to experience a show at Miller outdoor theatre, one should not miss that opportunity. Also, make sure you don't litter the place as some people don't like cleanliness.

  • Linda Medina

    Linda Medina


    First and foremost the place is amazing I'm speaking day/night wise it's a great place to go either for a walk or a jog or just in general to find an activity to pass time alone or with family and friends. You have 2 gardens one in Herman Park itself and the other across, you're also near: The Houston Zoo, The Natural Science Museum, The Children's Museum, A Golf Course and if that isn't enough to entertain you then enjoy the park itself. Go to their page and just look up events their always hosting and join in you will not be disappointed. #PokemonGoers this is a good place also!

  • en

    Chau M


    This park has been redone and redesign for quite a while now and the trees and plants have grown in providing beautiful shades. There is a nice, lengthy and relaxing train ride along the perimeter of the park. There are many locations for picnics. A water pedal boat rental fun feature is available. Big playground is there. A beautiful Japanese garden is also at this park.

  • en

    Ronnie Payne


    Great open space to have...picnics, a great day at the park...The Houston Zoo is in the area...Good golf course near by.. an open air venue for music, plays or whatever you can do on a stage. We had a family picnic and we all had a great rime. We had plenty of space to run and play...Frisbee, Frisbee golf...threw the football and brought the acoustic guitar and made some new music. It was a beautiful day and we all had such a wonderful time. I definitely recommend this park for family functions or just by yourself for great serenity.

najbliższy Park

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