Herbal Fairy & Wellness Spa 草精灵养身馆-针灸+按摩+美容+调理=健康长寿秘诀 in New York

Vereinigte StaatenHerbal Fairy & Wellness Spa 草精灵养身馆-针灸+按摩+美容+调理=健康长寿秘诀


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333, East 49th Street, 10017, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 212-268-3688
webseite: herbalfairy.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.753878, Longitude: -73.967621

kommentare 4

  • Steve Sha

    Steve Sha


    I've been a client for almost 10 years now. Always first class service and a wide variety. From aromatherapy, facials, scrubs, to hair removal, to excellent full body shiatsu - this place does it all. Located in a quiet, upscale neighborhood - this place has become my "oasis in the city". Staff is always pleasant and management is always attentive to your satisfaction. Highly recommended!

  • omar web

    omar web


    Great service, i had a Deep Tissue massage at Herbal Fairy in NY and i would recommend this to anybody. They were great and amazing, I Will come back again

  • en

    Daniel Ma


    Great massage location in the area! Joshua and I had a chance to grab a massage and this place had a massage right away. It's located in an office building on the first floor. Loo was great at working out our knots. I gave it 5 stars because the hour massage was good.

  • en

    Tony Sander


    Legit, great selection of saunas. I would say that for the overwhelming majority of cases, the customer experience is quite positive. At coed hours, a healthy ratio of men and women lounge in the sauna rooms and on benches. Most men use facility-provided shorts, towels, and sandals, while women commonly wear bikinis (probably their own) a minority go topless or use the facility provided robe. I recommend giving the hottest Russian sauna a try. The towels I've used were all clean, and the customer service has always been satisfactory. Men-only hours were more crowded. I have yet to try any masssage.

nächste Schönheitssalon

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