Hello Robin i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHello Robin



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522, 19th Avenue East, 98112, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-735-7970
internet side: www.hellorobincookies.com
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Latitude: 47.6239588, Longitude: -122.3069993

kommentar 5

  • Michael Natkin

    Michael Natkin


    Such a sweet, pretty shop. Great cookies, baked continually throughout the day. My favorite is the chocolate crinkle, and also the classic chocolate chip. You can also get over cream sandwiches made with Molly Moon's Ice Cream.

  • Ylan Muller

    Ylan Muller


    Love the concept! You can call in advance for vegan cookies, so I was able to get warm, crusty (in a good way) chocolate chip cookies on chocolate chunk ice cream, all dairy-free. It just tastes like home.

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    Garret Anthony


    I was a fan... I have enjoyed their cookies and they are right in my neighborhood but today I spent way too much time in the outside line only to hear "Sorry you have to order cookies inside". Are you kidding me?! There is no sign saying you can't order cookies. My suggestion would be to accept any sale and keep customers coming back or post a clear sign saying "You can't buy cookies here because we only sell ice cream at this window and we don't know how to ring you up for cookies". SAD

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    Eri Pride


    They always have the most kindest workers upfront. So many different cookies and ice cream. Definitely the go to place when I want some ice cream. I recommend this spot 💯% P.S... THE SNICKER DOODLES DOE 🔥

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    Chelsea Daniels


    I know they are really popular up here and I thought it was good but personally I didn’t think that it was overwhelmingly delicious. We went late during the week. Staff was ok. They kind of ignored our existence until we were right in front of them but they were nice once they were helping us. Personally I don’t find them worth the inconvenience of trekking all the way over there and finding parking but if I was already in the area I would probably go back.

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