Heaven Nails i Hackensack

Forenede StaterHeaven Nails



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467, East Passaic Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-525-5442
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Latitude: 40.8993432, Longitude: -74.0569787

kommentar 5

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    Meghan O'Donnell


    Great customer service. I go there twice a week and they treat me as a star customer. Greets me by name, takes care of me right away, and my gel manicures always come out great(only $25!) Definitely recommend.

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    Bernadetta Targosz


    I LOVE this place! I finally found a place that suits my liking. Ester is phenomenal (mani)! And Flow is phenomenal (pedi)! Thank you ladies for the great service, you both deserve praise and generous tips!

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    jane lenner


    Went there for 10 years. Always made appointments but was put off too often because of wrong bookings. Always asked to wait because of this.I left.

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    Been living in Hackensack 8 years and have only seen this place grow and develop better and better. Love it

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    Melissa Torres


    The spa pedicures are great, Rosa and the girls really go above and beyond. As for the gel manicures do not waste your time or money. 4 times in a row after 3 days yhe gel peeled right off. Also, do not go to Jessica. She is extremely rude and has a very bad attitude. She speaks to customers as if they are below her. Just terrible.

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