Health Nuts w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneHealth Nuts



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2611, Broadway, 10025, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-678-0054
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.796465, Longitude: -73.9707837

komentarze 5

  • Doris Rio

    Doris Rio


    Large selection of healthy and organic goods from cereals to nuts, tea, vitamins,juice, and prepared food too. Small aisles to navigate through but sale associates will helpe you; they are very nice. It is simply a wonderful plplace to buy healthy stuff.

  • Lisa J

    Lisa J


    Lots of great items, options, products, great hot bar, takeout sandwiches, juices, smoothies, etc. But checkout always unpleasant. Never can figure out why a pro-HEALTH place insists on being so negative and unfriendly. Every employee scowled or frowned...except the nice young girl at juice bar who was very helpful. The one time I asked a question, the guy was not in any mood to help. The bulk items are always a favorite, but I feel like I'm getting overcharged bc you just have to trust them to charge the right amount. There's NO way to write the # on each item/bag. At checkout, I watched like a hawk and still feel unsure I was fairly charged, much less did they tare anything when weighing it. This alone feels like a ripoff. I try to support small biz, but this place is why I still happily, consistently prefer/frequent whole foods. Customer service is not in this store's top 5 priorities! Stocking, shelving, and sighing is.

  • Irritable Life

    Irritable Life


    I have been to Health Nuts for years and never really had an issue. I usually spend between $40 to $100 when I go. The last two times I went the workers there followed me around as if was going to steal something. Second time being the worst when I took my mother there. I didn't want to lash out at them but they were very rude. Everywhere we went to look for items they would tell us to move. This is the last time I go to that dump. They've even gotten more expensive. NOT WORTH IT!!

  • en

    charles j


    Yes. there are still real health food stores in New York. Not many, but they are there. The Health Nuts chain has been around for decades and in still here providing organic produce, packaged , prepared and bulk foods and natural non food items, and nutritional supplements. Rising rents and Whole Foods Market didn't blow those remaining down, and, while I don't have much use for them because there are none near me, hopefully won't so they can continue to provide a much needed service and basic products that have actually gotten much more inconvenient to get

  • Dave Yedid

    Dave Yedid


    This place is great for natural and organic foods you wouldn't normally find at grocery stores. It's also great for vitamins. I love the bulk section, for zero-waste shopping. The staff are knowledgeable. The deli counter is expensive, but so are all in NYC. I love this store!

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