Healey Kia w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneHealey Kia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

114, New York 17K, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 888-347-4701
strona internetowej: www.healeykia.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5078234, Longitude: -74.0818076

komentarze 5

  • Tonya McCray

    Tonya McCray


    Manny was excellent! he told me he would help me get in a vehicle and he did just that. I would recommend him to anyone. He was very professional and informative. Very pleased with my vehicle and the entire experience. Thanks Manny 😊

  • en

    Dan Langdon


    Both sales and service staff are very helpful and knowledgeable. They were able to help me with all of my automotive needs. It is a beautiful dealership at a great and convenient location. Highly recommended!

  • en

    John Crummie


    Car shopping is always a headache, but with a sales person like Pete it becomes enjoyable. Pete's outgoing personality made my experience very enjoyable. Also want to thank Manny for assisting in the process, he promised to get me in a car and he did just that! Once again thank you for the amazing car buying experience Peter & Manny!

  • en

    Kristina Barnes


    Our Sales man, John, was very patient with me and my car shopping. He was Very personable and friendly. Made the experience feel more like we were dealing with a friend than anything else. Car looks great and I love it. I would recommend getting your car from Healey Kia and dealing with John.

  • en

    nancy kaiser


    I do not like car shopping. Salesmen and I don't normally get along as I am the quiet type and usually get lost within their sales pitches. HOWEVER, I have proudly told my co-workers and family members that they should seek a car at Healey Kia because both the representative and the finance rep were amazing. NOTICE: I would not refer to them as salesmen as their demeanor was more about just being honest. They were professional with explaining the features of the car I was interested in, as well as the presentation of the car itself (the representative drove the car around to us, opened the hood and doors and explained all the features prior to going for a test drive). We went home and decided to purchase the car and upon return was greeted with a friendly hand, and patient explanation of our payments, trade in, warranty, etc. (The sales representative actually came in on his day off to meet with us). If you've purchased a car before you know what it's like when you are seated in front of the Finance Department. However, this Finance Representative was honest, kind, patient no matter how many times we asked him to explain the service plans again. I would highly recommend this dealership to everyone. It was the most pleasant, easy going transaction of a car purchase EVER! Thank you Healey Kia Representatives. Kudos to you!!!!!

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