HB Services LLC w Fairfax

Stany ZjednoczoneHB Services LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2824, Dorr Avenue, 22031, Fairfax, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-764-0498
strona internetowej: www.hb-service.biz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8756948, Longitude: -77.2346776

komentarze 5

  • en

    Saeed Abtahi


    This is mainly due to great personality & kindness of Barbara & Harry.

  • en

    Kim guthrie


    HB installed our LP Smartside and it looks gorgeous, will definitely use them again for future projects. Their install team was incredibly clean and courteous and took the time to talk to us about the install and any challenges they came across. Wonderful experience.

  • en

    Daniel Feil


    HB Services helped me out twice. The first time was an emergency. My bedroom ceiling had fallen down and insulation was hitting the floor. Harry, the owner of HB Services with his wife, sent someone over immediately to prop up the ceiling so that it would not fall further. The fellow he sent was so thoughtful that after he shored up the ceiling, he realized that I could not close the bedroom door due to a post location; so he took the time to move one of the posts so that the door could be closed and then got the post back in place. It was a small gesture but totally typical of the quality of the work, and the competence and dedication of the workmen to customer service. Later - a team came back when promised - and fixed the ceiling in the most cost-sensitive way and the quickest way with the least amount of debris. It was a pretty perfect home repair experience. The second house fixing venture was more planned. My wife had never liked the unfinished stairs to the basement and the incessant creaking. So we asked HB Services to provide a new stairs and finish the adjoining walls. The team came precisely on time with the right people and materials. The work was superlative and the people were a pleasure to have in our home. The project manager actually did a better job than we expected, being able to provide totally smooth wall surfaces and better relationships to the adjoining concrete walls than we expected. I am an architect. I have seen a lot of construction. Harry's team members operate at a very high level. And his pricing is fair for the value received. Both of these projects were relatively small for HB Services so I appreciated Harry taking them on as his schedule allowed. We are now planning a larger Project #3.

  • Mike Bushey

    Mike Bushey


    Great experience. Professional, clean, on-time. Would highly recommend!

  • Sue Russell

    Sue Russell


    HB Services have helped several of my clients with the replacement of their roofs. It is very important to have a company that is local it will stand behind their product. They are not storm chasers and have worked hard to earn their stellar reputation.

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