H.B. Millwork Inc. w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneH.B. Millwork Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

494, Long Island Avenue, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-289-8086
strona internetowej: www.hbmillwork.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8175147, Longitude: -72.9994742

komentarze 5

  • Hounds Town USA

    Hounds Town USA


    I rarely take the time to leave a review for outstanding service, but in the case of HB Millworks I feel compelled because of my excellent experience with this company. I never thought I would be able to afford custom doors and moldings, especially as a DIYer, but HB Millworks made it happen. Trisha in customer service was in constant communication with me throughout the process, even on weekends, to ensure I was happy and the project was completed to my satisfaction. This made all the difference for me. You will not get better customer service or craftsmanship than with HB Millwork. Highly recommend.

  • rosemarie hayman

    rosemarie hayman


    Tricia and the crew at H.B. Millwork are such a pleasure to work with. It started when I saw a door on their Facebook page; and, ended with a beauty they created from my design. Their craftsmanship is second to none. Plus, Tricia put me in touch with the best stained glass artist, painter, and carpenter to get my design out of my head, and onto the front of my house. If you can dream it, H.B. Millwork will build it! They did for me! :-)

  • en

    Justin Leuschner


    Best place to work with. Very easy and knowledgeable staff. Installation took 2 days instead of one but for the beautiful work done, that didn't matter. Would definitely use them again!!!

  • en

    Michelle Grausso


    We loved working with H B Millwork. Their team of people we friendly and knowledgeable. We ordered a custom Black Walnut butcher block counter top for our kitchen. Tricia offered great insight and lots of personal attention. She kept me in loop with every step of the construction of our counter top and sent me pictures of the process. I also found that their prices were very reasonable considering the level of craftmanship. I can't wait to work with Tricia and the people at HB again!

  • en

    K Santangelo


    We are delighted with our gorgeous staircase. Beautifully, skillfully and artistically executed by Chris. Thank you for your hard work, and gracious professionalism. It was a pleasure having you in our home. We will enjoy this for a lifetime.

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