Hawthorne Kids Dentistry i Hawthorne

Forenede StaterHawthorne Kids Dentistry



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625, Lafayette Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-567-3551
internet side: hawthornekidsdentist.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9597256, Longitude: -74.1553699

kommentar 5

  • Cora Watts

    Cora Watts


    I am extremely pleased with the performance and care of Dr. Rosenson and the staff at Hawthorne Kids Dentistry. They went above and beyond to make sure my child has received the proper dental care she needed. I highly recommend Hawthorne Kids Dentistry if you have a child who is anxious and scared of visiting the dentist.

  • Elisa Mayer

    Elisa Mayer


    I've been taking my kids here since 2005 and it has been a great experience. The front office staff gets you checked in quickly, the hygienists are very kind, and the dentist is great working with the kids. I would definitely recommend bringing your child to Hawthorne Kids Dentistry!!!

  • Deborah Livingston

    Deborah Livingston


    Even though I live in an area with several pediatric dental offices, I still make the drive to Hawthorne Kids Dentistry to bring my child here. Dr. Sikder is an AWESOME kids dentist and she helps the children feel comfortable. Highly recommended!

  • Dorthy Jamees

    Dorthy Jamees


    After spending hours searching for a pediatric dentist for my daughter (who needed a lot of work done), I decided to visit Hawthorne Kids Dentistry. I was very impressed, the entire staff was friendly and easy to talk to. The doctor was pleasant and super nice! Now my child can't wait to visit Dr. Sikder. I'm so glad I took the time to research all the pediatric dentists in the area!

  • Tom English

    Tom English


    Hawthorne Kids Dentistry is a fantastic dental office for kids! Everyone is amazing and go above and beyond to make sure your child is comfortable. My friend recommended this place because it's always a dreaded day taking my kids to the dentist and I needed a change. My kids were completely comfortable, did not cry, and the staff kept them busy and at ease the whole time. I also like the fact they have a kids specialist right in the office! I would recommend this dental office to any parent!

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