Harry's w Detroit

Stany ZjednoczoneHarry's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2482, Clifford St, 48201, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 313-964-1575
strona internetowej: harrysbarandgrill.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3392817, Longitude: -83.056253

komentarze 5

  • Allie Nosek

    Allie Nosek


    We made a reservation for 13 people days ahead of time. Get there and they didn’t have anough tables. No problem, we’ll use more chairs all around one table. The waitress was clearly in over her head and not many if any other servers to help. We ordered our food and drinks together because she was busy. Again, no big deal.When ordering I mentioned we needed a few separate checks which she replied, “we don’t do that here”. Drinks took a while to come to the table. We arrived at 4:20 and got our food well over an hour later. My grandpa ended up going to the bar to cash out. Seems extremely unorganized and a waste of a lot of time. Also a complete inconvenience. Who doesn’t let a table split checks? Wasn’t impressed and won’t be back.

  • en

    Brandon Proffer


    Great food, fantastic service, and excellent music. No grasp on the use of commas on their menu however. Would highly recommend this place.

  • Blake Humphries

    Blake Humphries


    The wife and I had a couple burgers. They were a good size with a decent amount of fries on the side. The place was packed but this was before a wings game. I imagine that it can be hard to find a spot to sit in larger groups. Apparently they have seating upstairs, don't know how much though.

  • en

    J Line


    This place was great for a pistons game because you can park there if you eat there. The service and food were great. The only thing was if was freezing inside. It made it hard to enjoy the food we got. Cant wait to go back in the spring and try it out again.

  • Matthew Jostock

    Matthew Jostock


    We stopped in here before our concert. I have to say very nice location compared to the new arena. The food was hot and delicious when it came out. I should add that it wasn't very busy. The only complaint I had was how our waitress didn't check on us and we waited 15 minutes before she picked our cards to pay.

najbliższy Bar

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