Happy Salon en Williston Park

Estados UnidosHappy Salon



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416, Hillside Avenue, 11596, Williston Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-280-8488
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7542735, Longitude: -73.6566792

comentarios 5

  • People Think

    People Think


    The put no effort into haircuts, I went once and what should have been a 20 min cut, took around 5 min. They are very inconsiderate...

  • en

    John Soriano


    stay away from this place... they do not have license. Really bad attitudes... and don't think they went to school for cutting hair. This place is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD!!

  • Monica Hurtado

    Monica Hurtado


    Very Disappointed, worst experience ever and overpriced... My daughter was so upset about her hair style. Never going back.

  • en

    Good Friend


    Very bad attitude and customer service at the front desk. I called in advance and was told that the price is $12 for male, and then I went there in the afternoon. While waiting I saw the price also says $12. The haircut was ok, but after finishing it the front desk charged me $15 arguing that the price of $12 is only for very short hair. What a joke! I have haircuts every 3-4 weeks and every time I had a short haircut, how can I have long hair? I think the guy overheard my conversation and thought that I am not living close by, so he decided that it is a good idea to overcharge me. What a cheater! My suggestion is, don't go there!

  • Marina Castellan

    Marina Castellan


    I went there when my hairdresser used to work there. She left and I tried Lynn for a haircut twice, the first time I used Lynn she was pleasant. So I made an appointment for my next haircut and touch up. I got there on for my appointment and she was running late, the manage:owner came To me and said "she won't be able to cut, someone else will. I left with out the cut very disappointed. Today I made the mistake to book an appointment for color touch up. I got to the salon at 3PM (appointment time) as soon as I walked in the owner/manager came and said Lynn is running 15 minutes late, which I was ok with. He said I'll have someone else apply the color if you want. I said no I'll wait (after all wants the point of making an appointment if somebody else is going don't be job) long story short, 45 minutes later I was still waiting for Lynn. I left the salon and I would NEVER GO BACK! They have no respect for other people's time. Totally ridiculous. They were not apologetic at all and didn't care that I wasted 45 minutes of my time. Stay away!! Customer service is not their best quality!

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