Happy Nail w Westminster

Stany ZjednoczoneHappy Nail



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5706, West 88th Avenue, 80031, Westminster, Jefferson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-427-2128
strona internetowej: www.happynailco.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.8552781, Longitude: -105.0603821

komentarze 5

  • en

    Camila Bonilla


    Worst service ever. My sister and I came to get a full set and waited about 45 minutes, almost an hour. 3 of the workers were in the back eating I think or doing nothing but as soon as two ladys came in (had no appointment) they got attended right away. I tip really well too so their loss, never coming back.

  • en

    Stacey Bailey


    Well where do I start??? Unfortunately Kelly sold the shop & the new owners are unknown according to the employees. Tracy the “new” manager is very rude & lies. She told me Kelly was just on vacation. I was told by employees she sold the shop. I am in there every 2 weeks & I will no longer be going there. I asked them to fix a crocked nail & they didn’t do it. I said I was unhappy w/ my nails which I never was when Kelly owned it & she won’t correct the issue. I took my daughter in for prom nails & she asked for an ombré & they gave her powder nails w/ out asking her if that’s what she wanted. Didn’t ask me anything knowing I was paying. Then proceed to charge me $48 for her nails that should have been $20-$25. Charged me more as well. I have talked to an employee several times & she has been helpful- Tracy told me she couldn’t talk to me & yelled in the phone that she was too busy & hung up on me. Very poor customer service! I will not return & I will make sure all my friends don’t either! I believe once regulars find out Kelly & her girls are no longer there - they will not continue to go there either. Next step BBB & further if necessary. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME & $$$ @ THIS ESTABLISHMENT!! Go to the other salon the Kelly & her sister own in Erie- Magic Nails

  • Amethyst Jacobs

    Amethyst Jacobs


    UPDATE: Two days after having a Shellac manicure done, the polish started chipping. From my understanding this type of polish usually holds up for a week at least. Certainly not TWO days. Thoroughly unsatisfied and disappointed with the "quality" work I received. Waste of $70.00, never going back to this salon. The ladies here are very nice and they do work hard. With that said, there was a very hectic energy and things seemed unorganized. Also, there was a mild miscommunication issue. I asked to do something as close to the picture I brought in for reference. I didn't expect my nails to look EXACTLY like the picture, but at least similar. I had to explain what I was asking to be done multiple times; reiterate that I didn't want all my nails a single color, I would like a couple flowers similar to the picture, overall I would like my nails to be close to the picture. It ended up not being an enjoyable nor relaxing experience and I'm disappointed. I probably won't be coming back to this salon unfortunately.

  • Krista R

    Krista R


    I won't come back. I was cut 3 times with the file & cuticle stick. Sloppy work. I left with nail polish all over my skin. I was told to go home to clean the polish off my skin myself. They shouldn't let their clients leave looking like a mess. Now that my nails are growing out & I need a rebase, I can really see what s had job they did. It looks like I'm wearing Lee Press On Nails. This is the worse experience I've had with my nails.

  • Lisa Eimicke

    Lisa Eimicke


    I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT MY LATEST EXPERIENCE HERE, I HAVE NEVER CRIED AFTER LEAVING THE SALON UNTIL TODAY! KELLY WHERE ARE YOU?!??! I don’t know what happened here. I loved this place and have been going steadily for the last year. Today I had a NIGHTMARE EXPERIENCE, I went in for a fill/ new set because of how old the last one was, something was off right away. None of the usual girls doing acrylics were there, everyone there looked slammed and like chickens with their heads cut off. I had walked in at 11 thinking they’d be empty. When I saw how busy they were I scheduled to come back later in the day. When I arrived later they were even busier, looking very flustered with all the business and I got shuffled around the salon many times. I sat with my hands in acetone for an hour and only one girl who wasn’t doing my nails checked on me, she mentioned I could get a dip and save the length of my natural nails, I was interested in this as it’s why I originally got acrylics in the first place, to grow my nail long and then shaped to a point. I was there for over 2 hours and left in tears, a walk-in got in and out with a full set before I was out of the acetone. When I was finally taken out of the acetone my nails were cut all the way down, I was never told this would happen and old acrylic ripped off, it was extremely painful and ripped off nearly down to the nail bed on some nails. I stayed quiet which was a mistaken on my part but I saw how busy and stressed they were so I said nothing. I felt rushed the entire time I was there. From the start I described what I had wanted and nobody ever decided to tell me they could not do that because they didn’t know how. At one point I was hurriedly told I couldn’t get that design with a dip and then rushed to getting my nails cut and a new set put on so I could have the design I’d wanted. The design was something I had done by Kelly the last time I was in and loved it. The gentleman who did the new set did not file them to a point like I asked and instead made them rounded, not at all the shape of the nails he had just cut off! After keeping my mouth shut because I figured he’d continue to shape them as he went on, I was then shuffled back to the girl who started my appointment for paint, after getting base down, SHE ATTEMPTED THE DESIGN AND THEN AFTER NOT BEING ABLE TO EXECUTE IT DECIDED TO TELL ME SHE COULDNT DO IT, that she would learn for next time, so could I just pick something else, maybe chrome. After all that had already happened I was fed up, distressed at loosing my nails and in pain. I picked a chrome to go over the base coat, which was a struggle for her to put on and couldn’t wait to get out of there. I went to pay and was told the cost was nearly twice as much as normal, when asked about it I was told it was because of the new set, the fact it was gel and the chrome. These are not the prices I’m used to paying here, not the people I trust to do my nails and not a welcoming environment at all!!! I don’t know what happened to Kelly, and they said something different every time someone asked about her, but I miss her. I left today in tears, pain and feeling cheated, not to mention the chrome is already coming off my nails because of how rushed and badly it was done. This is no longer a place I recommend, which is such a shame because of all the positive experiences I’ve had the last year. Something has seriously changed in the last 3-4 weeks and I am now looking for a new salon with reasonable prices and that does designs/ chrome/marble / ombré etc. If Kelly comes back I will reconsider this decision but as of now I need a new place, and will have to wait at least a month for this to grow out and have my nails close to the length they were at earlier today. Very sad.

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