Happy Days en Sharon Hill

Estados UnidosHappy Days



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1541, Hook Road, 19079, Sharon Hill, Delaware County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 610-534-2777
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.8965367, Longitude: -75.272857

comentarios 5

  • Tony Cuevas

    Tony Cuevas


    Love me some Spanish food

  • Bret Lafty

    Bret Lafty


    Old school breakfast stop serving breakfast and lunch sandwiches and platters. They also carry household items like a lot of the necessities. They also are very good with getting your order ready very quickly.

  • en

    Bryan Hinkle


    Food is great service is great ...they always brighten my day ..Always get good hot food fast service too ..

  • en



    Lil corner store type place with pretty good cheap food,has a few tables to sit down and eat at, also coffee. Offers breakfast,hoagies,etc.also have fresh good hot Spanish food platters every day hot and ready to go,usually beef,chicken spicy or not, rice n beans,veggie mix.can call order in first also. Have a lot of premade things like seafood,tuna,egg salads ,Banana,rice pudding,bean pie,sweet potatoe pies-personal sized. lots of juices,drinks, and snacks,cheap lil candies,cigarettes ,they do close daily at 7pm.,open at 7 am. I believe too.tuna hoagie n breakfast sandwiches are pretty good. .so is the fried chicken wings,n fr.fries,they carry some common Spanish staples like juices, plaintains,yogurts, beans,seasonings as well as the norm. cheeses,lnchmeat nhave small deli as well. ****UPDATE "12-01-17"WENT HERE RECENTLY RAN MY CARD 3 X'S -HE TOLD ME 1 ST. 2 WOULDNT GO THRU....CANCELLED- YEH OK..-.TOTAL B.S.-LOW N BEHOLD ALL 3 OF THEM.DID ,THEY WILL RUN UR ATM/ CREDIT CARD MULT .TIMES, SO WATCH THEM!....I WILL NEVER WILL GO THERE AGAIN! U HAVE BEEN WARNED(pay attention!) My banks on it...wasn't the 1st.time either.....

  • Megan Rein

    Megan Rein


    Great customer service and Dominican food. There is two booths to eat what you orders. It outside of philly so there no sugar tax. So enjoy a meal for under 10 for 2 people. I also stop thru before work for breakfast and go for a nice lunch (instead of fast food you have moms cooking)

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