Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa w North Richland Hills

Stany ZjednoczoneHand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa



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8528, Davis Boulevard, 76182, North Richland Hills, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 682-334-3130
strona internetowej: www.handandstone-northrichlandhills.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.908118, Longitude: -97.189606

komentarze 5

  • en

    SH ForHisGlory1


    I had the rejuvenating facial and it was wonderful. Allie was very informative and thorough. I did appreciate that the facility was very clean. I had a gift card so it's the only reason I ended up there. Although the experience was nice, there's no way that I would likely pay for the service again because it is pricey and becoming a member isn't really financially feasible for me. It was a nice treat though!

  • Victoria Lynn Nunez

    Victoria Lynn Nunez


    Wish I could’ve given them a try but they can’t seem to schedule a appt right. Wasted time!!!

  • Wendy Lackey

    Wendy Lackey


    Josh is my masseuse and the best ever! Has the perfect touch for me

  • Kaela Nagle

    Kaela Nagle


    This place is a joke. They shorted me time (as they verified by camera) and refuse to offer any reimbursement besides offering the introductory rate again. Why would anyone want to come back to a place that shorted them time? I would never recommend this place to anyone. Oh and their add ons that are $15 dollars do not even last two minutes. The worst massage experience I have ever had. Be prepared to be shorted time, quality and be bombarded with a membership pitch. Terrible management. Go somewhere else to spend your hard earned money because they definitely did not provide a relaxing experience.

  • Charlotte McCall

    Charlotte McCall


    I love the zen-like setting when you walk in the door. The people are friendly without being annoying. There is coconut water for you while you wait. Not usually very long (I always make an appointment). I would have given this place five stars, because I had such a great massage therapist the first three times I went. But last time, I got a rookie. Nice kid, but he didn't have the anatomy figured out yet. It was relaxing, but just didn't really get those pressure points and knots worked out. The cost was reasonable and they have a monthly plan that saves money if you get regular massages.

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