Hampton Inn Phoenix-Midtown-Downtown Area i Phoenix

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHampton Inn Phoenix-Midtown-Downtown Area



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160, West Catalina Drive, 85013, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-200-0990
internet side: hamptoninn3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.482444, Longitude: -112.077613

kommentar 5

  • Matt S

    Matt S


    Great hotel, the rooms are huge, and the beds are comfortable! The only downside is that they do not have refrigerators but they do have microwaves, and offer free breakfast in the morning with a cool make your own waffle station.

  • Coleman Anderson

    Coleman Anderson


    This is my go to hotel when staying in Phoenix. I love the downtown feel but calm atmosphere. The pool is nice and big,the rooms always working and spotless.

  • Winnie D

    Winnie D


    Clean, friendly, quiet. Good Breakfast. Difficult to get to from interstate 10 though.

  • Laneha Everett

    Laneha Everett


    Other than high winter rates (the weather is beautiful here) they are a very nice hotel that is very close to the hospital if you need to be there for days and weeks at a time - such as a family member in the hospital or in Barrow Rehab. They have an excellent breakfast and an awesome lady who tends to the breakfast area - she is a treat. The hotel is very clean, they have nice washer and dryers for laundry if you are here an extened time, a fitness center, and the pool is warm for kids if they want to swim. The hot tub is also nice for a foot dip.

  • Mick Phillips

    Mick Phillips


    Very clean and up to date. Plenty of parking. Quiet location. Breakfast was plentiful. The staff was top notch! We would definitely stay here again.

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