Hair Days Beauty Salon w Irvine

Stany ZjednoczoneHair Days Beauty Salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

14231, Jeffrey Road, 92620, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 949-733-3700
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.6941569, Longitude: -117.7647664

komentarze 5

  • Jayashree Janaki

    Jayashree Janaki



  • Kenneth Jin

    Kenneth Jin


    Horrible experience. Overpriced and bad service. I will not ever go back!

  • en

    Nick Ni


    Agree with negative ratings, this place is awful. My stylist herself was ok and was understanding of my time limitations. But from the moment I walked in, it was a truly miserable experience. I walk in at 10am, 3 idle stylists all glued to their phones, the ancient hag working the front desk is also glued to her phone. I stood directly in front of her for a full minute clearing my throat with zero reaction. I finally just asked if they had time for a walk-in, which they of course did. As I said, the cut itself was fine. I'm a guy with long hair, didn't want a shampoo or anything, just a cut. Afterwards, $60 for a simple cut. The rationale I was given is that I have women's hair hahahaha. Just truly horrible joint. Avoid at all costs!

  • Duncan Leung

    Duncan Leung


    Since moving to Irvine I've tried a good handful of hair places. Since finding Hair Days, I've stopped looking and have only been coming back here for my hair cuts! What I appreciate most about Hair Days is that Lucy and Melody help me with suggestions on styles and tweaks that will work specifically with how my hair grows, with how my hair thickness affects the style, and how it fits my head shape. I'm sure other guys can relate - I don't know exactly what hair style looks good on me. I showed some pictures of general style ideas and they were really helpful in providing their feedback and consultation. The most important benchmark: my wife is always happy with the haircuts that I get here!

  • Allan C.

    Allan C.


    Great staff and haircut. They were able to fit me in their schedule last minute on the same day. The location is right across from the Albertson's on the corner. I only wish you could tip via credit card.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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