Hair Bizz w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneHair Bizz



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5760, West Pleasant Ridge Road, 76016, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-478-4231
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.681264, Longitude: -97.1951129

komentarze 5

  • en

    D Urb


    I am updated my review as they reached out to me to resolve the issue and I’m pleased with the response. I will continue to use hair bizz.

  • G Bell

    G Bell


    Terri will cut your hair exactly the way you want it. My wife, kids and I have all had our hair by Terri at Hair Bizz for several years now. She's done a great job, hence our continued patronage for some time now. I would call ahead (days in advance) for Terri, as I believe does appointments only - and no walk-ins. I can't speak for the quality of the other hair stylists at this location, because we've only had Terri cut our hair in this salon.

  • en

    Michael Hernandez


    Worst place ever! My wife wanted her hair "trimmed" and the lady ended up cutting the MAJORITY of her hair off. Even after several times telling her no. After she noticed how much was gone there was nothing else to do but even it out. 6 inches or more was cut!!!! And after requesting to speak to the manager we were just blown off. No-one knew who the manager was all o f a sudden. I didn't catch the ladies name but she's the only African stylist who works there. If you do not k ow how to cut hair....why are you a hairstylist?????

  • Victor Soto

    Victor Soto


    I just got my haircut there today by Tommy Davis and I’m a new man. Best haircut I have ever had. I’m now a customer for life.

  • en

    Notta Chance


    The hardest person to please is another hair dresser. I'm that dreaded hair dresser and I walked in without an appointment and I had no idea what I'd find, such a beautiful, clean and professional establishment...I'm a happy gal. Terry is incredibly talented, he heard, listened and saw my vision. I'll never go anywhere else, he hit the nail on the head the VERY first time. He'll be honest and upfront with you about what works and what doesn't. The prices for a cut are amazing and I'm feeling like a million. Thanks Terry, you are a rock star. ~🐼

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