H. Schoenberg w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneH. Schoenberg



🕗 godziny otwarcia

744, Bergen Avenue, 07306, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-333-8991
strona internetowej: www.jerseycitypawnshop.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.725049, Longitude: -74.0683823

komentarze 5

  • Sunasia Dames

    Sunasia Dames


    They’re ok. They will most of the time give you what you need/want as far as money but they’re interest is ridiculous. Going to get my stuff out today ugh. But its very helpful to have them around when you may need a loan.

  • en

    Jay Staples


    Went in to check out the music gear they have. They have a lot of gear varying from instruments to accessories. My only problem is that the workers have no knowledge of the products in there store. I asked the guy for a studio grade condenser microphone and he tried to sell me a dynamic mic instead??? Like there's clearly a difference my guy.

  • en

    Chris Coronel


    I took a watch to them the guy told me my watch didnt work and i knew for a fact it was workinh then i told them it was gold they go to the back check it out then he tells me it works and that hell give me 100 i was very insulted for the watch was worth more just in gold weight i took it apart it was 18 grams of pure 14k gold i will never bring stuff back here were they tried to get one over on me.

  • en

    Eddie Dejesus


    H.Schoenberg is the best pawn shop in Jersey City. There staff is friendly and helpful and the also bilingual. They always help me out when I'm short of cash. And if you need a little more time with your pawn all you have to do is call them and they will help you. And for the person complaining about profit, the pawn shop is a business they need to make a profit how do you expect them to pay the rent, light, employees salaries and taxes What do you think? It's a government agency?

  • April Willis

    April Willis


    They are always so nice and very helpful. The establishment is very clean and well kept. It's nice and bright very cheery atmosphere.

najbliższy Jubiler

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