H-E-B Pharmacy w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneH-E-B Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1601, Nogalitos Street, 78204, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-229-1825
strona internetowej: www.heb.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.3976787, Longitude: -98.5149541

komentarze 5

  • life of briana and friends

    life of briana and friends


    So i wrote a bad review here ..BUT AFTERALL THAT WAS SAID & DONE I CALLED HEB FOR A.FOLLOW UP ON MY SITUATION ..TURNS OUT THE DELIVERY GUY DID STEAL MY MONEY & ENDED UP CONFESSING TO HIS MANAGER That HE IN FACT TOOK MY MONEY For PERSONAL USE..HEB FIXED THE PROBLEM & IS GOIN TO DELIVER MY MEDICATION WITH A DIFFERENT DRIVER & WAIVE THE DELIVERY FEE ......It a a nice place to shop.. HOWEVER i used the pharmacy delivery & it was ok up until it came down to getting the meds i paid for.. I had 3medications scripts dropped off the girl gave me my total for all 3.. I left the store only to be called & told they didnt have 1 medicine in stock & friday 5.18.2018.. So i told the girl deliver my other 2meds so i got those no problems... But when i got the 2 meds delivered i paid the total for all 3 because i didn't kno the total for the 2 that got delivered... Now here i am still without 1 of my meds all because the delivery guy only turned in the money for the 2meds he delivered not the 3rd one i also paid for.in advance to have delivered friday. I called the pharmacy on friday they said they have no record or me paying for all 3meds ..I think they need to get honest people to work for them & they dont wanna refund.me the money or give me my.med & i just got out of surgery

  • en

    Ernest Vara


    A great place to shop! Alway very clean and a great friendly staff.

  • en

    Esmeralda Carrillo


    Great deal . awesome to shop .

  • en

    Sara Ortiz


    I Love my HEB, you park under the store, so your car stays cool and your not walking in the rain. They are always courteous. The store always seems neat and clean. Very nice looking bathrooms too. Usually don't see that on the Southside of town. It is very welcome d. I'm glad they added the departments the older store didn't have. The layout of the store is easy to find what your looking for.

  • sweet graciela

    sweet graciela


    Love my heb . Fit my personal needs.😉

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