Gym 33 i Huntington Station

Forenede StaterGym 33



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Lørdagåben 24 timer
Søndagåben 24 timer
33, Walt Whitman Road, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-683-4630
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8298103, Longitude: -73.4116664

kommentar 5

  • Michele Soto

    Michele Soto


    Joe, the owner & his son are fantastic, so are the other employee's. I like the way they are personable yet still professional. When they give you tips, advice or correct you on your form, they do it in a non intrusive way, that way nobody could possibly get upset. (I've worked out at OTHER gyms where the managers, trainers etc go out of their way to shred someone for their form!) At Gym 33 Even the guys working out are more then happy to give you pointers!

  • C GMZ

    C GMZ


    I was a member for a year, the gym is well equipped, ample parking lot, good location, I have been told it has been renovated.




    The Owner Joe is very personable as well as the staff. The gym is super clean, it's a great place to work out. If you need help with equipment the guys are more then helpful. It's a real gym not a coffee clotch gossip hang out!! I love it!

  • Annita T

    Annita T


    The gym advertise 19.99 monthly but when I came there, the owner says 19.99 only applies if signed up yearly. When questioned, owner says he get customers to come in and he will give this option to them. It luring customers in with false advertising. Be careful.

  • Skeptique Dubida

    Skeptique Dubida


    Horrible basement gym. Bathrooms are filthy. Not even a urinal cake in the one men's bathroom stall. Showers are under construction. Don't bring your kids. No kids allowed in the kid's room. Same outdated equipment, same plates. No water fountain.You won't have a problem finding a parking spot, because no one in their right mind would ever go to this ghetto gym.

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