Gunk Haus en Highland

Estados UnidosGunk Haus



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387, South Street, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-883-0866
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6995097, Longitude: -74.0525593

comentarios 5

  • Matt Mazzella

    Matt Mazzella


    Found the hostess to be rude, and a blemish on an otherwise pleasant lunch. Food was good, and our server was great. Suggest to sit outside if the weather allows. The pork loin sandwich was very good.

  • Trista Polo

    Trista Polo


    I guess I'm just not a fan of this type of food. Got take out and it was expensive and I didn't enjoy the flavors. Macaroons were very good even after they sat in my fridge for a couple days.

  • angelica c

    angelica c


    Unbelievably idyllic views over the valley at this German gem. Though flanked by two roads, this is a wonderfully peaceful spot, with yummy interpretations of German classics. The interior is beautiful and spare. A nice out of the way spot that's definitely worth the visit.

  • en

    Bernard Cohen


    Outstanding food. Good service. Owners very attentive to a pleasant dining experience. Very good bakery also.

  • Jason Lawrence

    Jason Lawrence


    Came for lunch on a Thursday, so they were empty. Food was fantastic. Cole slaw was probably the best I've ever had. Beer menu is a bit small, but they're all great, and served at the proper temperature (not ice cold).

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