Gump's i San Francisco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGump's



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135, Post Street, 94108, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 800-766-7628
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.7887296, Longitude: -122.4042469

kommentar 5

  • Sophie Schneider

    Sophie Schneider


    My all-time favorite stationary store. Every time I visit San Francisco I only go to this location because I'm familiar with it and know the store very well. I love their pens and notebooks! Its so clean and aesthetically pleasing when you write. Their pens can be a little expensive for some but it's totally worth it because it writes so smooth! Their decorative items are very nice and simple. I haven't bought any bedding or furniture items from them before so I can't speak for it, however, they look very nice! Some things can be a little pricey so if you're into expensive stationary that work good then this place is not for you..

  • Francisco Hidalgo

    Francisco Hidalgo


    Neat place and excellent customer service. If you are looking for quality home decor this is the place for you.

  • Monica Miranda

    Monica Miranda


    Gump's is filled with unique home goods, toiletries and gifts. It is the perfect place to find something unique. Every time I am in San Francisco a stop at Gump's is a must. The staff here is helpful, they offered to assist with choosing items for our new home and are able to ship to the east coast. The sales lady recommended snapping a picture of the barcode on items I liked to ensure I got exactly what I wanted when I was ready to order it.

  • Christine Chao

    Christine Chao


    Neat place with unique gift ideas. Just pricey though. Saw a hand lotion for $100. Wild.

  • Myra Flagg

    Myra Flagg


    A lovely long-standing tradition in San Francisco for Christmas shopping. Pure delight. Attentive staff. Old guard San Francisco. A real treasure.

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