Gullwing Motors w Mineola

Stany ZjednoczoneGullwing Motors



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100, Windsor Avenue, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-742-3320
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.753091, Longitude: -73.637601

komentarze 5

  • Ahmed Marei

    Ahmed Marei


    I own a 93 Mercedes Benz 300E that I needed to have serviced due to a rough running condition. I called in advance and the morning of and was greeted with a pleasant demeanor and a very welcoming atmosphere when I got there. I had a pleasant conversation with Steve and Louis about the establishment and our love of the brand. I felt at ease that my car was in good hands. 3 Hours later I get a phone call from Louis about the issue plaguing my Benz, he offers the quote to repair, it was reasonable and most likely the best quote I would get to perform the repair. I informed Louis that I could not financially take on the repair at this very moment, and after a brief conversation he offered to try and install a temporary fix until I could bring it in for the full repair. This simple act of kindness has really driven home the feelings I had when I first walked into the shop. I truly appreciate the gesture and will be sure to always bring them my car in the future.

  • primo iglesias

    primo iglesias


    Excellent service. Honest, reliable and the best service I've experienced in many years.

  • en

    jose barrios


    Nice place to repair my Mercedes-Benz

  • en

    Robert Shannon


    Old school pride and service at its best.

  • Alex Olt

    Alex Olt


    Trustworthy mechanics. Can fix just about anything. Specialize in older foreign imports, especially Mercedes. Quick turn-around and fair prices. My go-to for all auto service. Highly recommended!

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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