Guerrilla Fitness CrossFit Paramus i Paramus

Forenede StaterGuerrilla Fitness CrossFit Paramus



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348, Evelyn Street, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-967-5000
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Latitude: 40.9445814, Longitude: -74.0697539

kommentar 5

  • Eric Nowoslawski

    Eric Nowoslawski


    Great Gym and by far the cleanest gym I have ever been to

  • Carl Dispoto

    Carl Dispoto


    I think it would be hard to find anyone who doesn't give Guerilla Fitness five starts. Awesome gym with great people, both the coaches and customers. Workouts are amazing. I never leave without feeling like I got a workout that was worth every penny.

  • Anderson Mendoza

    Anderson Mendoza


    An amazing CrossFit gym and fitness facility. It boasts the best motivating and knowledgeable coaches who are experts in their field. The programming and workouts are methodical and progressive. I have achieved personal records (PRs) I never thought possible. It is a magnificent community that is full of positive energy and members who have become like family. I look forward to the daily workout, it is truly the highlight of my day!

  • en

    Grant George


    Large, clean, open space great for crushing WODs. Experienced and caring coaches who do a great job instructing and motivating both new and experienced crossfitters alike. Excellent programming. Great community of memebers.

  • Jonathan Abenaim

    Jonathan Abenaim


    Crossfit: You are googling it...Wondering if you should try it.There are so many gyms out there why should you go here. I have been a member since it opened. I have visited many boxes (crossfit Gyms) and I can tell you these guys are NO JOKE. They are at the top of their game! Are you worried it is too hard for you to try crossfit? Or you aren't fit enough? Are you intimidated? Are you not sure if this is for you? Well let me put you at ease. I am not easy to please, and I can tell you that this is the place to be. A great business always starts with a great leader. A leader is someone who makes other people feel better about themselves when they are around him. IN comes Joe one of the coaches and owners, you will encounter at this box. This guy will make you feel so amazing and help you transform your life that you will want to tell the world (like I am )how amazing he is. His understanding about everyones different goals is amazing. This is the no judgement zone. He will not ridicule you, never make fun of you, but rather he will encourage you over and over and over. Think of every class as a PERSONAL TRAINER. Crossfit is a different animal. You will have no problem staying motivated. You owe it to yourself to walk into this place just to meet Joe. Every Day there is a different workout so you never get bored. Then there is Vick. Vick is a natural when it comes to coaching. He has been coaching at all levels for years. He's a teacher by profession so teaching others comes naturally to him. He works out with the participants, so understands what you are going through and helps your succeed. His insights on how to get healthy, be safe while working out and more importantly his willingness for you to succeed is unparalleled. Then there is Coach Danny; he is a Crossfit Regional Competitor but an all around super nice guy. He is always smiling and really has a passion for what he does. He is a master at olympic Lifts (type of weight lifting you will learn) and more importantly he is totally dedicated to working with everyone individually so that they can get results. My kids also go here. They attend the Crossfit Kids class and look forward to it every week. They hang with Coach Deb and love her. Finally the most important thing about this gym is the community. You will meet people that will become your life long friends and will support you through everything just BECAUSE. That is the type of people that come here. SO if you are looking for a gym to get healthy and challenge yourself and try something new. You need to go to the best: Guerrilla Crossfit Paramus. You must choose the best or you won't be satisfied. Ask for Joe , You won't be disappointed.

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