Gucci i Manhasset

Forenede StaterGucci



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2124, Northern Boulevard, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-365-0994
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7966076, Longitude: -73.6695549

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eric San Jose


    Easy to see right off of Northern Boulevard servicing Manhasset and the adjoining areas Nassau county. This store is located at the Americana Shopping Center/ Miracle Mile. Clean facilities with a wheelchair accessible entrance. Plenty of parking. Very accommodating Staff. Very expensive so bring your credit cards. We will definitely be going back.

  • en

    Dolly Carrington


    They treat you like they are doing you a favor at the miracle mile location.

  • Nivant Sheth

    Nivant Sheth


    The store at Americana Manhasset is very good.

  • en

    Dan B.


    Salesmen name fabina is amazing what a great experience patient explained everything in detail thumbs up too him and staff was nice as well will continue to shop at this location....

  • aliki0000



    First of all they close way too early and shut the doors on my face while I'm talking to them. We were going to buy a belt too but obviously the people with sporty clothes on aren't allowed in after closing time while people with nice clothes on are allowed. They shouldn't judge. The Gucci in Roosevelt field is better

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