Grooming Lounge i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1745, L Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 202-466-8900
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Latitude: 38.9040279, Longitude: -77.041031

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michael Haynes


    Waste of time and money. I get that it is meant to feel relaxing, but it just felt like it taking far too long. A hot towel was put on my face 5 or 6 times. Again, I know it’s meant to be relaxing, but I’ve got things to do. Not to mention the repeated scrubbing, which I am not even sure what that was for. To be fair, I’m a novice and have used electric clippers to cut my own facial hair for years. What do I know? I wanted a simple clean up on my neck and trimming of my beard. My cheeks don’t fully grow out, so I asked the woman to please shave it. When she brought me the mirror I asked her again to shave it off. She said “No, it’ll grow out.” To which in responded, “No, it really won’t.” Above my jawline, my facial hair is patchy and is not a good look. She used the clippers and tried again. I dismissed the mirror and asked for my bill. The most irritating thing is the razor burn on my neck. Of course I didn’t feel it until the next day. It was very visible and itchy to the point of having to put anti-itch cream on it. I’m not saying “Don’t go there.” Just ask yourself if $66 if a fair price for razor burn and 30+ minutes of your life.

  • Grace Williams

    Grace Williams


    Quality establishment!! Did a great job cutting my boyfriend’s hair, and gave me an ice water while I waited for him!! He loved the place and the staff. A bit on the expensive side, though.

  • Marisel Bracero

    Marisel Bracero


    Best haircut my husband has ever had! 😍

  • en



    I've been a client at the Grooming Lounge for over ten years. First, I have always had consistent service from the professional staff (haircut, waxing, etc.). Only once did I have an unfortunate hair experience, and that person was quickly terminated. However, I have always had an issue with the attitude, incompetence, and lackadaisical attitude of the scheduling staff. They treat you not as a client, but as an annoyance--someone that has to be dealt with. While I get that it may appeal to some folks (the idea of exclusivity), I actually dread calling the Grooming Lounge to make an appointment; it's always an ordeal. I even dread checking in for appointments. For example, today, I had a confirmed appointment, but was told it was for next week (possibly the nefarious action of someone who had to deal with changing an appointment for me earlier in the week). When I complained, not only was I called out in front of everyone, but was told that since I was unhappy, I should go elsewhere. When I suggested that I would like to talk to management, I was told that, "they know about you, and it won't matter for you to talk to anyone." I will take the front desk manager's advice, and will be taking my business elsewhere as will my friends. I was brought up in a family business--the customer is always right, and should never leave upset--word-of-mouth is the best way to groom, and destroy, a business. As of today, at least three of my friends will be going elsewhere for service. We deserve to be treated better. It's a shame that they can't control the management of scheduling and the front desk; in my opinion, it's time for a shake-up of the front-end staff. This is not only an issue in the DC location; my husband has had the same issues at Tysons...independent of my situation.

  • Blake Zanardi

    Blake Zanardi


    Love this place! The staff is always friendly. Kevin is a fantastic barber - only works weekends. Full service shop from cuts and shaves to massages. They also have an amazing selection of men's grooming products.

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