Grindhouse i Chula Vista

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Forenede StaterGrindhouse



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260 1/2, Third Avenue, 91910, Chula Vista, San Diego County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 619-576-0582
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Latitude: 32.6425976, Longitude: -117.0806658

kommentar 5

  • Jose Reyes

    Jose Reyes


    Great coffee and even better place to relax and hang out. The sweet cream cold brew is fantastic, great coffee taste with a bit of sweetness. I can’t wait to come back and try other drinks along with the food.

  • Bruce Ascencio

    Bruce Ascencio


    This place was great! I liked the vibes it gave. Amazing customer service, very friendly. I would definitely stop by again when in the area. Highly recommend. I loved my bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. Cold brew was on point!

  • Danielle M

    Danielle M


    I stopped in for a coffee and chose a iced dirty chai. It's very good and the service was good as well. I love how they have a post it coffee board, very cool.

  • Irene Orellana

    Irene Orellana


    Cavity recommend enough! Sometimes you go to a coffee shop that is aesthetically pleasing, but the quality suffers, sometimes the atmosphere is trendy AND the quality is there but you have to deal with pretentious or rude baristas, rarely is the atmosphere immaculate with high quality coffee and friendly, welcoming baristas; so happy Grindhouse falls into this last category! The environment is trendy and hip, the food and coffee quality is excellent and the staff are so welcoming and kind. Highly, highly recommend this place!

  • Christopher Gorrie

    Christopher Gorrie


    I really like this spot. It’s quaint, aesthetically quirky, and the staff is exceptional. It’s smack dab in the middle of Third Avenue, making it a great stop on your way to other events, or a nice place to chill for a while and work or chat with friends. The coffee here is so good. Super flavorful, perfectly acerbic, has a great finish. I especially like their lattes. Grindhouse is a must-try when you’re hanging out in Chula Vista!

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