Green Gourmet i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGreen Gourmet



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1368, York Avenue, 10021, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-879-4600
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7673259, Longitude: -73.9530799

kommentar 5

  • John Olsson

    John Olsson


    They sold me a spoiled dairy product. Never coming back here again.

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    Ben Solo


    Bad service, Lazy workers....etc. This place deserves no stars at all!!! The people who make the food there always forget something and get the orders wrong and get an attitude when you remind them or correct them. Also some of the food that they advertise if you go there at a certain time no one will make it for you which I consider false advertising. Also the biggest thing is the 2 RATS yes Rats that I saw coming from the basement on the side where they take delivery's. I would suggest to not even buy anything from this place!!!!

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    Brian Anscomb


    Love the breakfast sandwiches and great overall products and options

  • Sean Ken

    Sean Ken


    Tried to order a salad at 10am and one of the staff behind the counter was pretty rude yelling at me saying I'm only serving breakfast. I was confused as to what was his problem with me so I left and came back later. This time I ordered a bacon cheese burger deluxe and guess what they forgot. The bacon ofcourse. I love this place a lot but for some reason they always keep forgetting my bacon and the staff they got working behind the deli sometimes are extremely rude to the point I'd rather just walk out. Best thing about this place however is it is 24 hours.

  • Ron Lewenberg

    Ron Lewenberg


    High end convenience store / grocery. Good selection of organic foods. Sandwiches and soup are ok. Coffee and deserts are good. Hope. 24/7

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