Great Clips i Azle

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913, Boyd Road, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-752-2014
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.9096041, Longitude: -97.5443901

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alan Latta


    Good hair cut and good prices, friendly staff too.

  • Valeshia Doyle

    Valeshia Doyle


    The lady cut my fiances hair just how he described picture or anything n it looked so good

  • en

    Christie Parker


    This place is awful. My mom and little sister have been twice now and they came back with their hair butchered both times!! This time though, I believe they are actually going to have to wear hats (no joke, no exaggeration)! This is ridiculous! I am so angry. There are holes in their hair. This girl must have been on drugs to believe she did any kind of descent job here.

  • Debbie Winters

    Debbie Winters


    Jessica cut my hair exactly as I wanted, a shag. She shampoos wonderfully. I had a great happy experience. Plus very budget friendly.

  • Ginger Peyton

    Ginger Peyton


    Love this place. Get your hair done there. They are great! Nancy is wonderful hair dresser. I have long hair and she didn't cut it off. Just cut off dead ends and split hair.

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