Great Clips w Tempe

Stany ZjednoczoneGreat Clips



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3122, South Mill Avenue, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-894-6306
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3948741, Longitude: -111.9405805

komentarze 5

  • en

    Matthew Bollinger


    So far I have had several great haircuts from this place! Online check in is horrible.

  • Bill D

    Bill D


    Never had a bad haircut here. They currently have a very qualified and experienced group of stylists. Very little turnover. Download their app and make your appointment. Saves you a lot of time. They are always BUSY.

  • omar serag

    omar serag


    It’s my first time to go to Great Clips. I went there a bit late since I didn’t know what time I closes. I went there 20 minutes before it closes. I don’t know the barber’s name, but he was very impatient. When I told him to redo something, he would put his tools with force and shake his hands as if he wants to hit me. He couldn’t even out my hair as I told him. He even told me you’ll make me redo your hair again and we should’ve closed a while ago. I probably won’t go there again, but I just wanted to share my experience.

  • en

    Jessica J.


    I've gotten my hair cut at this location in the past and have never had an issue, until now. I got my haircut earlier this week from a younger girl that works here. When I first sat down, she of course asked what I wanted; I had said I wanted an inch off my overall length and my layers. Once she brushed my hair, she proceeded to say it was really dead (which I obviously know, hence what brought me in) and suggested more be cut off. I hadn't had the best of days and didn't want to put up with a back and forth, lack of a better word, "argument," so I said sure. She had already started cutting it when I asked, well how much are you cutting off and she answered 2.5 inches from the longest part and about 1.5 off the sides since you had some breakage and overall it was shaped in a V. Needless to say, I'm pretty upset; I've had bad haircuts in the past and had hoped this was over. The longest part of my hair use to almost touch the waist of my pants, now my hair barely goes past my bra. You're in a service industry; you need to start listening to what specifically your customers say and do what they ask; if we want your opinion, we'll ask. Plus, if you do give a suggestion, instead of just showing the hair, you need to say the inches. I won't be coming here again.

  • Rick Morrison

    Rick Morrison


    They just about shaved me bald. It's been 9 months. Shaquala cut my hair and she hacked it. I look like Jim Carey on dumb and dumber. I have had my last haircut here. No more Great Clips for me!!! That was the last STRAW! !!! They Suck!!!

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