Great Clips w Glendale

Stany ZjednoczoneGreat Clips



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20229 N 67th Ave, Ste C8, Glendale, AZ 85308, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 623-362-0052
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6705818, Longitude: -112.2016069

komentarze 5

  • Jaime Lopez

    Jaime Lopez


    Excellent service, my favorite place for haircut

  • Alan Novak

    Alan Novak


    Really a great place and a great set-up. You can check on line to see how long is the wait at the various local Great Clips. Then you can choose which shop you want to go to...depending on wait times, distance away, personal preference etc. Finally you can book in on line for your appointment. When you get there you are seen virtually immediately, if not, you knew how long the wait would be before you set off. Always polite always an excellent haircut. Why? Because they make a note of what they have done and can repeat it next time whoever you get..brilliant. AND they are Forgot to say, staff are great, discuss possibilities and recommendations and great haircut exactly as I asked.

  • en

    Jason Givens


    This place always does a great job on my hair! Roxanne is the best I have found in the valley! Definitely recommend her and Great Clips!

  • en

    Justin Pietro


    This will be the last time I go to Great Clips for a haircut, I've been going here since I've been a kid. My hair is not that difficult short on the sides long on the top, leave the sideburns. The individual who decided to cut my hair also decided to cut my sideburns without asking. Just started talking away and that's all the sudden I knew my sideburns are gone. The worst part is I had her go back to at least realign the side so that they're symmetrical, she cut the wrong side and made it even shorter and I asked her to relook at her work, and she couldn't see what was wrong. I was able to tell that the sides are not lined up in the rear view mirror of my car. Yet still charge me the full $14

  • Tawny Castaneda

    Tawny Castaneda


    My dad wanted a hair cut while visiting me. Looked up a place... and this being Glendale this was the only place open. They were fantastic!!!! The stylist listened intently and when she disagreed with going super short (which I completely agreed with btw) she compromised. My mother, my father and I were all extremely happy. When we were leaving my dad said "I guess I'm gonna have to come here to get my haircut from now on." We will be back!!! Thanks again Great Clips!!!

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