Graphics Plus w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneGraphics Plus



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4432, South 50th Street, 68117, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-718-8600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2146797, Longitude: -95.9906276

komentarze 3

  • Jerome Figures

    Jerome Figures


  • Jimmy H.omaha

    Jimmy H.omaha


    Thanks to their star employees rena and lewis coleman i came to discover that not only how the owner hires its employees under the table, helping them in most cases to cheat hard working tax payers as its employee's recieve state benefits. That drug dealers conduct their business either behind the owners back, often in front of him just hidden to give him deniability. Lewis coleman is one such who is convicted felon for drug dealing, who through his drug enterprises he employs his mentally disabled family from mother to brother and father to smuggle, conceal, and deliver the drugs. they have so many different stolen iphones they even take home and use on their home internet trying to erase the devices for resale. so if any of you were customers who lost or had stolen any electronics, ipods iphones, etc. i would advise you to contact the police and let them know they could find your devices mac addresses on their home internet log files carried by their internet providers. i have reported the other forms of fraud and thefts i am aware of, as i work too hard to do right and not be involved in any unethical activities to which i severed my relationships with them upon discovering what kind of people they were.

  • Philipe Bruce

    Philipe Bruce


    Got my challenger windows tinted today and I liked How I was treated. And the job was well done in a couple of hours. Very friendly and straight forward. Definitely doing business with them again. Way to build loyalty. Thank you.

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