Grant Air Conditioning w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneGrant Air Conditioning



🕗 godziny otwarcia

254, Roberts Cut Off Road, 76114, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-332-7979
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.763732, Longitude: -97.399344

komentarze 5

  • en

    A. Nevarez



  • Michael Zukerman

    Michael Zukerman


    Had an emergency call w/air temp in house over 80º. Jason was my tech and he came out found and fixed the issue straight away. Reasonable price for an off hour emergency and Jason was great. I'll use Grant every time I need ac work done.

  • Zachary Hall

    Zachary Hall


    Amazing service and super fast. Steve was the best technician I have had for any job. Very professional and honest. When other AC places were quoting me 4-7 days out to do a job, Grant AC came out within 2 hours and finished the job in 20 minutes. I highly recommend!

  • Blake Williams

    Blake Williams


    Truly amazing service! We had a minor issue from a unit that Grant had installed for us 6 years ago. The issue was discovered by a home inspector as we went to sell our home, and when we informed Grant, they came out right away to fix it at no charge. Even six years later they stood by their product and their work. I would definitely use them again in my next house.

  • Blake Macon

    Blake Macon


    Called Grant A/C on a Monday morning and they had someone out right after lunch. Steve was the technician and he did a superb job replacing the blower wheel in our unit. The part was in town and he went and fetched it, installed it all within 2 hours. Had A/C back in the house by 3pm! Total charge was less than $300 which is A LOT less than I thought it would be! A++++

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