Grace Episcopal Church in Nyack

Vereinigte StaatenGrace Episcopal Church



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130, 1st Avenue, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-358-1297
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.0934898, Longitude: -73.9207017

kommentare 5

  • en

    Robert C A Sorensen


    "Grace is the Place." The congregation is warm and welcoming, Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 - families and kids!, and 11:00 - everybody. The spiritual leadership through Rector Owen Thompson is inspiring and stimulating. The music through the great choir master, Brandon Beachamp, and great choir, is just wonderful. Grace Church nourishes and sustains.

  • en

    Mia Leo


    None of us is perfect, but Grace does quite well for itself, in my estimation. I've been singing in the senior choir at Grace since 1980. At first I came to make music (some of the best & most ambitious church music in Rockland County). Over time, the caring community became more and more important to me. Stephen, I felt sad as I read your posts. They don't reflect the very human and very healthy Grace Church I have known for 3.5 decades. Somewhere there is a place that will make you happy; I hope you find it, and that it lasts a very long time.

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    Lynn-Marie Schnalzer


    As a long time member of this parish, I feel like Grace Church is my home. I did "church shop" for a while after leaving my last church and found that Grace was the right fit for me. I will beg to differ about our staff. I have had positive experiences with everyone, and I truly feel God at work within their spirits, otherwise we'd be another struggling church without direction. We have an amazing congregation, provide many community services, host an incredible number of 12 step groups. Our children's service is well attended, church school is full. Our choirs are strong and marvelous. I am saddened that this church didn't work for you, and I hope that you will at some point find your church home.

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    Kyrie Thompson


    It's hard not to be biased when your brother is the rector, however, having grown up the daughter of an Episcopal bishop, I've been to my fair share of churches. I have to openly and honestly say that I feel at home whenever I visit Grace. So much so, that I flew to New York to have my son baptized there. He was baptized during the Easter vigil and the feeling of God's love was truly palpable. The congregation is warm and inviting and it's so wonderful to see Fr. Owen and the congregation embrace each other. It doesn't get any better than being able to leave church feeling spiritually filled and hopeful.

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    Peggy Gilbert


    Twenty-three years ago I found Grace Episcopal Church and knew immediately that I had found a church home and a community that was welcoming, generous in spirit, and committed to living and walking in love. In the years I have been at Grace, I have known and appreciated each of the priests who have served. Despite their different gifts and personalities each one has sustained and grown the community. I just read a negative review of Grace and am sorry for anyone who has ever felt less than fully welcomed in this parish. Each of us must walk a unique journey and find a spiritual path that is fulfilling. I wish the best to this unhappy former parishioner and hope that joy, peace and acceptance will be found.

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