Goodyear Auto Service Center w Philadelphia

Stany ZjednoczoneGoodyear Auto Service Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1815, West Oregon Avenue, 19145, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 215-462-9509
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.918132, Longitude: -75.178695

komentarze 5

  • Ashley Lilley

    Ashley Lilley


    So thankful to Stephen and the crew on tonight (4/7/18) for repairing our valve stem on our tire that broke 3/4 of the way to Philly for the flyers game. I live 100 miles away and there is no way we could have made it home safely without them. We were terrified especially having our 20 month old son with us for that drive. Their customer service /attitudes/all around everything was 100/10. Thank you all so much.

  • Betty Mak

    Betty Mak


    Free tire repair. Oil change is $19.95 ($23.50 after tax and disposal) if booked online.

  • vagabondo 081

    vagabondo 081


    I was basically told the service that I needed would take less than 10 minutes. I've now been waiting for two hours, and the guy across from me has been waiting just as long for an oil change.

  • James Norton

    James Norton


    The service here is outstanding. The guys know what they're doing and do an excellent job. I highly recommend you stop here if you need anything fixed on your vehicle.

  • en

    Luciano Rios


    Made an online appointment and it was confirmed for 530p the next day. Got there at 518p and the worker looked me up in the computer and my appointment popped up. He looks up and says i have to reschedule you Im backed up. I said why didnt anyone call me, and he just stared at me with no answer then offered me 5 dollars off my next visit! Seriously? What would be the point of making another appointment if you don't honor them? Avoid this place, horrible customer service.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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