Goodwill Denver - Cherry Creek en Denver

Estados UnidosGoodwill Denver - Cherry Creek



🕗 horarios

5000, Leetsdale Drive, 80246, Denver, Denver County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 303-321-8798
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.707376, Longitude: -104.9291854

comentarios 5

  • Ryan XO

    Ryan XO


    This is honestly one of my favorite stores and all of the city of Denver every day they have a different color tag where everything is a dollar today I got a pair of brand new Express jeans that super look hot and the staff is friendly the books are great it's just an adventure there every time a super fashionable Adventure today at Banana Republic and so many more name brands brand new

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    Johnathan Doerr


    Worst goodwill I’ve ever seen. The worst pricing as well. Attempting to sell a product that is $50 new at $40 used is insane. Not including that item on your 50% discount day is even more insane. You got the item for free, why are you charging 80% of the retail new price? Awful inventory, nothing of interest.

  • Monika Marceau

    Monika Marceau


    This used to be a great place to find treasures. Not anymore. Where are the good quality items? I have given up on this store.

  • Bilyana Boyanova

    Bilyana Boyanova


    I love this location. Great selection and great employees. However, Im starting not to like coming here. There are a few people who shop there and follow the employees around. As soon as they put out new stuff, these few people snatch them right away and dont let other people shop. Then, for example today, I was followed around and mean mugged by one of these people, she was also looking in my cart and bumping into me on purpose. Everybody should be able to get their hands on the new stuff coming on the shelves. This 1 guy had 5 pairs of VANS shoes in his hands because he was snatching them right off the employees hands. Not cool....I dont think I will come here as often anymore...

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    Delores Clayton


    donations are great..but the customer srvices sucks!! employees move around as if they don't really wanna care; terrible attitudes without any consideration for.your time nor respect as a customer. I would really hate to think that our donations go toward promoting this type of culture.. not to mention the addicts hang out at the back of the store some asleep on the sofas.

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