Goodwill w Baldwin Place

Stany ZjednoczoneGoodwill



🕗 godziny otwarcia

80, U.S. 6, 10505, Baldwin Place, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-621-0781
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.3430345, Longitude: -73.7561365

komentarze 5

  • Sebastian Ojeda

    Sebastian Ojeda


    Just lame and that's said because they don't have anything good at least in most people's opinion but the only thing that this Goodwill store has going for it on it's shelves is it's clothes which is what all Goodwill stores are known for but is that enough? Doesn't seem to be for Goodwill happens to have a problem where they obtain more items then they can sell and that is indeed bad news. The staff is nice and emotionally qualified as well as being knowledgeable of the inventory along with the building itself being in good condition but the items conditions are the worst part of any Goodwill store. You need to be extra careful when examining their wares for the item could either be broken or missing entirely and the staff don't check at the register, so if you live faraway and got a defective or missing item after purchase then that's no different than just giving a donation. Speaking of money, the chain has come onto hard times for they had to hike up their prices and reduce their discounts due to rising wages. Now I'm not accusing them of financial extortion but is it still worth the trip? If you know what you're looking for then yes but maybe not for browsers and you need to be careful of your surroundings for every store in the chain has a "you break, you buy" policy. The shirts can be funny buy for a prank party or so though.

  • Rachelle S

    Rachelle S


    I enjoy thrift shopping here. I can usually find some unique items at a good price.

  • en

    M Boss


    Have been buying the kids cloth there for a couple of years now and were always very happy with the savings. Went there today 05/09/17 and was very disappointed to see that they almost doubled their pricing. At this new price point they lost their advantage over TWICE IS NICE ( a second hand store in the same shopping complex) and WALMART ( a couple miles down the road).

  • es

    noemi Calderon


    Esta todo muy caro

  • en

    andrelisa de la cruz


    Great finds so far!!! They are organized. My son is obsessed with dvds, so this is my go to place for cheap dvds.

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