Good Samaritan Hospital i Los Angeles

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Forenede StaterGood Samaritan Hospital



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1225, Wilshire Boulevard, 90017, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 213-977-2121
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Latitude: 34.054199, Longitude: -118.265059

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew Hwang


    Be really careful about coming here. I went there for a visit, and they charged me $500 for a visit. They told me it would cost $100! I am a doctor myself, and this was very shady. All they did was see me for 2 minutes and write me a prescription. Definitely avoid this hospital.

  • Mohindra Rupram

    Mohindra Rupram


    Couldn't find the entrance while walking around with chest pains. Hardly any signs posted. Cluelessly rude staff. Ridiculous wait time.

  • en

    Tyler Vigil


    If I could give zero stars I would. I came in severely dehydrated, never administered IV fluids, I came in at a 7 on the pain scale. I was only ever administered to radio at the very END of my stay, so I spent the entire six hours I was waiting in bed, for absolutely nothing. My pain hasn't been treated, I was only able to get anything for my nausea after I had asked the THIRD nurse to make the request. And on top of all of this. This is by FAR the rudest staff I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing. If you are able, make sure you visit some of the other hospitals in the will receive proper care, and faster than this entire terrible ER. I will say for the record as well, I'm a hospital employee and having seen how this one operates I will be filling a formal complaint anywhere I can. I'm that disappointed in my care, and have received a solution to only one of the problems I came in today. SO if you have a lgitimite disability with pain, go elsewhere. If you are able yo tell the ambulance where to go. Go elsewhere. If you are able to wait to see your regular doctor, do so. This ER will NOT leave you satisfied. Having been here twice and able to read the reviews I can confirm it..and who the hell uses BLANKETS AS SEIZURE PADS!!! Also, along with every other negative review I experienced absolutely horribly rude nurses and staff. I brought my problems to the attetion of the charge nurse and he told me I was priority after six hours, he was also INCREDIBLY rude in the encounter and instead of apologizing he spent five minutes lecturing me about how a hospital is ran. I'm sorry sir, I work in a teaching hospital I spotted mistake after mistake. And to compound this issue there is only one doctor working the ER even though every bed is filled. This is what we use On-call doctors for and again, this is the only ER where I've ever heard of one doctor being on the floor and them not calling anyone to help reduce the flow. What's worse, there was a man who was there just after I arrived and was bent over in pain, who STILL hadn't even been given the chance for a bed after 6 and half hours. If the man had severe appendicitis you'd have a serious problem on your hands.

  • Seleina Moon

    Seleina Moon


    I recently have given labor here and had to stay for a week but the nurses were really nice to me! I'm Hispanic and was treated without discrimination so no I don't think they're racist. My son has been in NICU and they're very very patient and informative (shoutout to my baby's nurses Luis and Artist) , I recommend this hospital. They're always respectful every time I stop by to visit my baby. I had my private room, good TV and the food service was great! The food was very good, my nurses ( especially a nurse named Jay) was always checking up on me and giving me lots of Jell-O! They did not judge me for asking many questions about my baby or my self care and were just very understanding and sweet. I wouldn't mind getting another seizure just to come back.

  • Garcia Avila

    Garcia Avila


    Terrible! If you're not in good physical shape, you're out of luck! The parking garage elevators are most always out-of-service. Wear tennis. Also, I won't say now, if you have an appointment with a doctor, plan to wait half the day. Customer service is terrible! I just left there after waiting over 1 1/2 for a follow-up. Never waited around. I love Dr. Davies. That's why I stay at that awful place. All the other doctors I need to see (once a year), I will be transferring out as it's terrible over there. Oh, make sure you speak Spanish too.

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