Goldstein & Greenlaw i New York

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11835, Queens Boulevard, 11375, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-544-7701
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Latitude: 40.7237165, Longitude: -73.8495948

kommentar 2

  • Gary Romero

    Gary Romero


    When people say if they can rate them at 0, it's for a reason! Thankfully they did not represent me, but represented my Co-op. They are the most uneducated, disgraceful, inconsiderate, rude and self centered people I have ever met in my life. They made my life difficult just to grant approval for my request to have an Emotional Support Dog in my apt. I had to get my lawyer involved after they wouldn't comply, even when they asked for proof of my medical history and more, WHICH IT WAS COMPLETELY ILLEGAL!!! After several of months (6 months+ to be exact), my lawyer literally ripped them a new one and owned their asses in the end. So please do yourselves the favor and never hire these people to represent you, especially those who clearly aren't educated enough to know what rights us as humans have in today's society and still violate them. It's sad to see these people have degrees and actually be able to represent our community, they don't deserve to go through this agony. BEWARE!

  • en

    Debra Fiscaletti


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